50 in ’19 – A Meandering Man’s Reading List

Looking back, I haven’t published a blog post in 3-years.  For about a 2-year period, I blogged on a regular basis – writing primarily on faith and matters of the church.  During that period, I had a fountain of inspiration as I read regularly and was immersed in a career that consumed my thoughts and passions.

Boy how things change.

Since then, I have left the church, held jobs in two distinctly different arenas, and stayed generally silent on hot button issues.  Given the current political and cultural climates, there has been no shortage of opportunities to speak my viewpoints – but by speaking out on every thought I had, I found I was growing in anger towards people rather than towards issues.  I’m not so sure that my relative silence was a good thing, as by not challenging others, I was also not challenging myself.

I was stagnating and again feeling like the handsome fellow who wrote this blog post:

I Hate Wallpaper

I Hate Wallpaper

I want to blog again.  Selfishly, this is for me to process my thoughts – but in order to do so, I need to grow in knowledge.  To that end, my goals for 2019 are to read at least 50 books, watch 52 of IMDB’s top 100 movies of all times, complete at least 12 woodworking projects, and write at least 12 new blog posts.  Along the way, I will blog about what I read, watch, and build – and maybe, if inspiration and courage abound, about my thoughts on current events.  For the few of you who dare, my hope is that you find entertainment, encouragement, and maybe are even challenged to think deeper.

So, today I share with you my reading list for 2019 (the movie list comes tomorrow).  This list took some time to compile and includes a mix of re-reads of some of my favorites, classics that I somehow have never read, and books that I hope challenge me – pushing me to think more deeply about the world, my own beliefs, and the impact I can have.  It is a mix of books for fun, books for knowledge, and books for challenge. Along the way, I am hoping to find fodder to feed the blogging monster.  Now, without much further adieu, here is my 2019 Reading List – feel free to weigh in with your thoughts on my list and recommend additional material for me:

Title Author Type
A Walk Across America Peter Jenkins Non-Fiction
An Edible History of Humanity Tom Standage Non-Fiction
Moby Dick Herman Melville Fiction
Dark Places Gillian Flynn Fiction
The Ruins Scott Smith Fiction
The Brothers Karamazov Fyodor Dostoyevsky Fiction
Invisible Man Ralph Ellison Fiction
John Dies at the End David Wong Fiction
This Book is Full of Spiders David Wong Fiction
What the Hell Did I Just Read? David Wong Fiction
Dead Souls Nikolai Gogl Fiction
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Arthur Conan Doyle Fiction
American Gods Neil Gaiman Fiction
Kidnapped Robert Louis Stevenson Fiction
What is the Bible? Rob Bell Non-Fiction
Gods of Myth & Man Derek Murphy Non-Fiction
Beyond Religion Dalai Lama Non-Fiction
Post-Truth Lee McIntyre Non-Fiction
The Invention of Air Steven Johnson Non-Fiction
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari Non-Fiction
The Disappearing Spoon Sam Kean Non-Fiction
Norse Mythology Neil Gaiman Fiction
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason Sam Harris Non-Fiction
Frankenstein Mary Shelley Fiction
Welcome to the Universe Neil DeGrasse Tyson Non-Fiction
The Island of Dr. Moreau H.G. Wells Fiction
Around the World in 80 Days Jules Verne Fiction
Neverwhere Neil Gaiman Fiction
The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Douglas Adams Fiction
The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way we Think, Live, and Die Keith Payne Non-Fiction
How Democracies Die Steven Levitsky Non-Fiction
Out of the Silent Planet C.S. Lewis Fiction
Perlandra C.S. Lewis Fiction
That Hideous Strength C.S. Lewis Fiction
Things Fall Apart Chinua Achebe Fiction
A Brief History of Time Stephen Hawking Non-Fiction
The Maltese Falcon Dashiell Hammett Fiction
The Hate U Give Angie Thomas Non-Fiction
The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Fiction
Geek Love Katherine Dunn Fiction
A People’s History of the United States Howard Zinn Non-Fiction
A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole Fiction
The Sword of Shannara Terry Brooks Fiction
The Elfstones of Shannara Terry Brooks Fiction
The Wishsong of Shannara Terry Brooks Fiction
The Elementals Micheal McDowell Fiction
Broken Monsters Lauren Beukes Fiction
The Haunting of Hill House Shirley Jackson Fiction
The Common Good Robert Reich Non-Fiction
Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World Anand Giridharadas Non-Fiction
A Brief History of Everyone Who Every Lived: The Human Story Retold Through Our Genes Adam Rutherford Non-Fiction
Spell or High Water (Magic 2.0 Book 2) Scott Meyer Fiction
An Unwelcome Quest (Magic 2.0 Book 3) Scott Meyer Fiction
Fight and Flight (Magic 2.0 Book 4) Scott Meyer Fiction
Out of Spite, Out of Mind (Magic 2.0 Book 5) Scott Meyer Fiction

2 thoughts on “50 in ’19 – A Meandering Man’s Reading List

  1. I will advise some caution on a confederacy of dunces. I read it a couple years ago and it was hard going. People laid it but I don’t think they have all read it. I find the characters not as endearing as they think themselves to be.

    Moby dick is a book written by a man who friggen loved words. You best love em too.

    The Maltese Falcon is my favorite book. Let me know when you read it.

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